Friday, March 7, 2008

Hello Everyone!!!

Hello everyone!!!

It is extremely excisting to hear from Precious, Suzy, and Mary so far.

Let me tell you a bit about what is going on in my lame life. lol I am still stuck at the store, of course. The enviroment is completely different. It took me a while to get use to it. I am still working on it. It's still kind of to much for me. There is no such thing as professionalism in the store. You guys know me... I am all about that! lol Well, so far everyone seems to like me, that's a plus. I am always super busy... you guys have to understand that I am the orderwiter, sales associate, and the freaking expeditor. I do it all! Truely, in the long run it's all good. No one bothers me. I go in and out. The hours are not bad at all. I am hoping to stay there for quite some time. It's not the best, but hey... it pays the bills. I have not forgotten about school... that is still in my plans. I have tons of work to do. By the way Precious, I am still working on your special project. =) I get back to you on that one. I am still trying so hard to get back into the gym... no luck so far. What should I do? lol I'll worry about that another day. Well, I wish you all good luck! I do miss each and every one of you. I will never forget my Home Services Call Center family!!!

Suzy, keep your hopes up. I hope you find something soon. You have lots of talent. lol

Mary, YAAAAAY! Miss that for sure.

Shellie, I am glad things worked out for you.

Precious, we'll have a private converstation. Llamame! lol




Francisco Cantoran

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