Friday, March 7, 2008

Great way to keep in touch.


Just like everyone else I am missing all of you and the wackie fun house, we called a call center! and I want to say Thank you Precious for starting this! I thinks its a great way to keep in touch.

As far as me I am doing as well as expected. I still am working at the store and to be honest it has its ups and downs! I do the order writing and expaditing for dept 23 and 59, and have picked up a few extra skills thay threw at me. But just like Frank I am SOOO BUSY!!! I have not had time to really get to know all the other associates as well as I would like because of my extensive work load! And more days then not there is not enough time in the day to get all the stuff done. BUT I am left alone to my own devises and my own way of doing things wich is nice, And for the most part what I say goes.

As far as the kids thay are doing fine, Johnathan is in Kindergarden and will be repeating it agen next year due to some learning curves. and Chelsea has now come up with an extensive vocabulary wich includes some words we are rather not proud of. But other then that nothing much else has been going on. I hope everyone is doing great! and I hope to keep in touch with all of you!


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